If my Statcounter map is to be believed, I've had people (or bots; who knows) looking at my blog from Canada, England, Australia, Israel, India, and Thailand. Considering I've just got 300 hits (and I think half of those are from me anyway), that's pretty cool. So if you're one of my foreign visitors ... hi! Thanks for visiting my corner of the crafting world.
The wedding is officially in 12 days, and I'm a little sad. I meant to have that charity shawl done by now, but I just haven't had the time to work on it. I contacted the person in charge and they said they could help me finish it, but I think I'd feel bad about that. Seriously, garter stitch on size 15 needles should NOT take a long time, unless you're me. In which case it should take forever and stop being a nice gesture, and instead become a thing of stress. Bah. We'll see what happens. Either way, I'd like to donate it to charity. And as soon as I finish it or send it out unfinished, I can start on almost-husband's hat. And then I can start on socks. Keep plugging away on the Ugly Afghan. I have it all figured out, really.
Anybody want to take over that shawl for me? Garter stitch. Size 15 needles. Mindless. I can pay you in cat fur and perhaps a wedding cupcake!