I've been invited by my friend to go to this year's Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival, which is awesome, except for 2 things.
1. I have like, no money right now.
2. I'm still on a yarn diet.
Through some clever cleverness, I've convinced my husband that I should get the extra money from two weekend shifts I've picked up at work. I figure I can look at tools, not yarn, but who am I kidding? I don't have enough money for a wheel, and yarn is smushy. I'm doomed.
But wait! I've recently finished a bunch of projects. Instead of starting something new, I really should fix the Binary Scarf. Yeah! If I work on that, I'll allow myself to look at and/or purchase yarn at the festival. I'm awesome!
Except I had some whiskey tonight, and the last time I drank and worked on the Binary Scarf is when
I dropped the stupid stitch in the first place, so ... no.
But hey! My friend who invited me also asked me to make a ton of hats for her to sell, and I have a Knifty Knitter and a lot of stash. Perfect. It doesn't count if I'm selling it for money.
I'm using a skein of Bernat Caress someone gave me, and it's quite lovely. Except I just found a dead bug on the skein. But that's okay! Because:
1. It was dead.
2. On a skein someone gave me, so it could have been there before.
3. Oh yeah, it was in the acrylic bin, and I don't know of any bugs who eat acrylic.
I think I'm safe.