Saturday, November 27, 2010

Get It Out!: Microspun

We're not going to talk about the Binary Scarf, because someone who shall remain nameless may have worked on the Binary Scarf while drinking and made a mistake and hasn't been able to fix it for two weeks.

SO, instead we'll talk about Get It Out! (Get It Out! joins a short-standing tradition of my naming things in the hope they'll catch on, like I Want To Make That and Sell The Stash. Also, it helps for organization purposes.) Back in September, I blogged about my "first in, first out" plan.

I'm pleased to tell you that, except for a very small amount of leftovers, the Lion Brand Microspun in turquoise has gone from stash to actual object(s). We ended up waiting for our Thanksgiving guests, so I sat myself down with the Klutz Crochet book and taught myself how to make the flowers. Never underestimate either flowers or the amount of yarn in Microspun, because I managed to bang 21 flowers out of a partial skein. I'm only in possession of 20 of them, because my little cousin wanted one, but 20 is a lot of crochet flowers. It's so many, in fact, that I'm thinking of abandoning the putting-them-on-charity-hats idea and making a little scarf. What do you think?

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