I got a new toy for Christmas. It's a little photo studio: a lightbox, camera tripod and some lights. I'm still learning -- like seriously learning -- so the pictures aren't that great, but it's a work in progress!
I also fail at figuring out how many yards this used, so ... whoops. More than 1 and less than 1000.
Pattern: Basic loom hat that came with the Knifty Knitter loom set
Yarn: A partial skein of the coopworth/merino yarn from Mountain Vewe Coopworths I bought at VT Sheep & Wool 2010 (I have 53 grams left, but didn't measure it initially) and a partial skein of Cascade Lana D'Oro (the scale says I used 3 grams? that doesn't seem right)
Loom: Um. Either the green or the purple Knifty Knitter (okay, turns out I bought the purple one after I made this, so I'm gonna say green)
Timeline: 7.21.11 - 7.23.11

Yeah. If you're not completely blinded by that.
Opinions: I figured out how to make each color dominant on different rows, so I played with that to make a very orderly hat. Not sure I have the brim fold-up perfect, but oh well.
This hat is very warm around the ears, but the mohair makes it a bit scratchy. Wearing it today, I felt a little cold, but I think most people would in five degree weather. It's a good heavy-duty hat, and it wears beautifully when it's snowing.

Ah, yes, that's a more accurate color representation.
Random Thoughts: I finally got my green hat! Sort of.
Also, I need to work on this photography thing. Can you still see?
Hi Jen,
First of all, thanks so much for leaving comments on my blog. That certainly makes blogging extra special! :)
Your green-purple hat looks lovely. Now you just have to post a photo of you wearing it. :)
Are you interested in winning a white cotton T-shirt with a pink heart and the words I ♥ Oktoberfest in size L? Then come over to my blog until Sunday, 22nd January, and leave a comment here .
What about having a look at my Advent and Christmas and getting an impression of Munich's Christmas market ? Moreover, you can see some frosty weather photos and pictures from a walk around my neighborhood on January 1st. Finally, there are photos of New Year's Eve . Of course, comments are welcome -- it's always great to hear what you think!
Have a wonderful 2012,
your blog friend from Munich, Germany,
It's lovely! The light box thing takes a bit of toying with but you'll get it! Best of luck with it and gorgeous hat!
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