We went on Sunday. One of the things they had going on was a Cashmere Buck & Wether Show. I have no idea what a whether is, but apparently nuns raise them. My friend and I agreed that if we were in a competition with nuns, we'd drop out.

Then there was sheep shearing. I resisted the urge to hop over the fence and run off with the stuff.

It was cold in the morning, so I wore my Amanda Hat and my Butterfly Moebius, which I took off as the day wore on. I also bought a sweatshirt. Yes, I left the tape on intentionally. I was thrilled about fitting into a small.

A really nice gal at one of the booths in the "soft barn" (where they had the bunnies) took my picture after I explained the "last small" to her. I later found out she was on Ravelry, since she remembered taking my picture after I posted about it! So Kristen of Gilead Goats -- if that's you -- thanks again!
I did buy yarn, which I was expecting to. I didn't keep track of some of the vendors, so if you recognize any merchandise, let me know!

So I was in Mystic River Yarns in Mystic CT and I ALMOST bought Tidal Yarn, remember? I didn't and I regretted it. Guess who was at the festival? I picked up this little beauty, which is another example of how I need to take things outside before I buy them, because it looked gray in the barn. I realize now how strange this statement is. That's okay, I like purple too.

This one I DID look at in the light and I still loved it. It's a Coopworth wool/mohair blend, semi-worsted, approximately 185 yards from Mountan Vewe Coopworths. Unfortunately they don't have a website, but leave a comment if you'd like their contact information. I only bought one because I thought I could make a hat!
I ended up buying 2 skeins of superwash merino yarn from Biltmore Wool Barn. The woman does all the dyeing herself, and I could have lost it and left with a lot more than 2. Each skein is a generous 430 yards. Mmm.

I started chatting with another lady at the booth and showed her this skein below, which I'd been waffling on. She picked one up too, even though it wasn't what she had been looking at! Of course, I had to snatch mine up after that. Random lady, I hope you like the yarn I apparently talked you into!

I didn't write down who this next vendor was. Sorry! I don't have a button stash, but when I saw she had Danforth Pewter sunflower buttons, I bought her out. I don't really know how 4 buttons will be useful, but I can't not have pewter sunflower buttons.

Oh, right! My friends ended up buying an Ashford Kiwi from The Merlin Tree, on my recommendation. But that's a blog post for another day ...
Hee Hee, the last small.
I love it!
I missed nuns with goats?
Oh yes, nuns with goats. Surreal way to start off the morning!
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