As a passenger, of course I brought car knitting, a seed stitch scarf I started on Tuesday. Oh, I didn't tell you about Tuesday's guild meeting? Our prez had gotten in touch with with someone who distributed Zealana yarn and they sent us a bunch of their yarns to try on the condition that we let our LYS know what we thought. I got a skein of the Kia Ora Kauri, a merino/possum/silk blend in Pink Roja. So now I can say I've knit with possum yarn, though I'm reserving judgment until the scarf is all done.

We got to WEBS pretty early and were able to look at some of the great vendors outside first. While in one of the booths, I thought I recognized the woman from our Green Mountain Spinnery tour. Turns out I was right! It was Lisa from Boulder Meadow Farm in Fitzwilliam NH. What a small world.
Soon enough I was dragged into the store, which was basically what I like to call baptism by fire. I'd come with a few project ideas and yardage notes, but I was clearly the new kid in school. Let's just say I have no idea how far some of those shopping carts traveled before getting to WEBS.
I did manage to find some Louet Euroflax Sport Weight, which I've been looking for. By the time I got to it, my choices were a bright pink and French Blue. I grabbed the French Blue. Eventually I found some more, but the blue was my best choice, so I took it home with me. (On sale, of course.)

While wandering the aisles, I found some Araucania Ranco Multy I liked, so I jotted down the color number and aisle and kept moving. One aisle over, I realized how stupid that was, so I ran back and grabbed three skeins. Normally I go for saturated colors, but this yarn was perfect considering what I'm renaming the blog. (Soon, I promise!) I have no idea what I'm going to make with it, but I figured 3 was enough. The website says color 317 is black/white, but this is clearly stormy blues to me.

That's all I bought at WEBS, but upon leaving the store I got sucked back into those independent vendors and ended up purchasing a Skinny Stripe Gauntlet Kit in Lipstick & Leathers from Kama Suutra Fiber Arts. (My kit is brighter pinks and black.) Yet again I was torn between pinks and blues (no, this doesn't mean anything!!!), but I went for the pink this time. I think this lady is a genius and someone to watch out for, by the way. You heard it here first.
We left WEBS and hit up Green Mountain Spinnery, but nothing caught my eye this time. When we got back home, I decided to hit up Michaels since I had some extra money and bought a skein of Lion Brand Amazing in Olympia.

I got a 40% coupon at the register, so I might just go back tomorrow and pick up another skein. What am I thinking? I'll never get tired of those Noro Striped Scarves.
P.S. Have you guessed the name change yet?
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