A few weeks ago I found out I won Handmade by Mikaiya's blog-a-versary contest, which helped spur my own blog-a-versary contest. (That's still going on, so keep commenting!) I won a Traveling Woman shawlette in Wollmeise (or viewable on her Rav page).
I received it on Wednesday, but didn't get a chance to wear it/take pictures until yesterday. Can I just say I'm in love? The green is fabulous, the yarn feels and looks amazing, and the craftsmanship is quite superior. Unfortunately I apparently work at a place where the general public does not know how to fawn over such items, as I only got one comment on it yesterday. Don't worry, I'll wear it to knitting guild and it will receive its proper praise.
Also, it is really difficult to take pictures of your own back, so ignore the iron in the corner.

I ended up wearing it with the point in the front, but all the pictures I took of it like that were terrible because apparently I forgot to brush my hair. And to not make stupid faces. And have a double chin.
I love you, blog, but not that much.
P.S. Thank you everyone for continuing to comment for your chance to win my blog-a-versary contest! Please make sure I can contact you via Ravelry/your blog or make sure to check back on March 12th for the winner. If I cannot contact the winner in a reasonable amount of time, an alternate one will be chosen.
P.P.S. If you are (one of?) the anonymous commenter(s), please make sure I have some way to identify you! You don't have to use your real name, but even an initial would be helpful. Thank you!
This is a lovely, lovely Traveling Woman. It must feel great! avennett AT verizon DOT net
That color is simply stunning. You better make certain to use a shawl pin when you wear it to knitting guild, lest someone try to snatch it away!
~ Trish, aka CodeMauler (SP) & QAGeek (Rav)
That's a lovely shawl, the color is gorgeous! Congrats on winning!
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