Write about a knitter whose work (whether because of project choice, photography, styling, scale of projects, stash, etc) you enjoy. If they have an enjoyable blog, you might find it a good opportunity to send a smile their way.
Well, I can't write about just one person, because sometimes I hate following the prompt! (This may be part of why I was an English major. Creativity!)
I have a few knitting blogs that I follow on my Google Reader, which has become my new best friend for reading blogs.
In strictly alphabetical order, a random sampling:
Ann Budd Knits -- Oh boy, does she ever. I love Ann Budd's pattern books and as soon as I found out she had a blog, I followed it faster than you can say "knitting superstar". I've even posted a few comments. I'm such a fangirl, but shh! Don't tell her.
Brooklyn Tweed -- Yes, I read the Tweed. (Hee.) His photography skills are just stunning, and he makes lovely patterns too.
cosmicpluto knits! -- Yep, another designer blog. I also like her patterns and photography.
Eclectic Chica -- Lest you think that I only read big-big-name blogs, I present Eclectic Chica. I stumbled across her blog looking for pictures of that washcloth that I apparently never wrote a blog post about? Hmm. Anyway, I went there for a blog post that never happened and now I follow her. Says something, don't it?
Jill's Chat -- Jill's the designer of my favorite crochet bag pattern, Rust Goes Green. She has two hilarious cats and I quite enjoy reading about her life.
Terri's KnitBlog -- I don't remember how I ran across Terri's blog, but I'm sure it involved Ravelry and her lovely work. Her two adorable greyhounds don't hurt either.
I read more blogs, but these are the ones that update the most. I also have a bad tendency to friend people who have awesome projects on Ravelry. I do send them a little gushing note first, so hopefully they're not too weirded out. Some awesome people on Ravelry with a lot more talent than I have are: bluestgirl, dorkydi, FiberphileYarns, hpnyknits, and spinnvill. I highly suggest you check them out.
I'd like to acknowledge these people even though I might not always comment on their projects or blog posts. You are inspirations, all of you!