On Tuesday I went up to my LYS and met up with a friend who was willing to do some one-on-one with me to help me with my drop spindle. The personal help was invaluable. I feel a lot more confident with it, and my yarn looks better too. My first yarn looked like this. I call the new stuff my "second first" yarn. It looks like this.

Yeah, that's about 10 million times better. It's a lot more even and the twist is holding better too. My friend let me use some of her fiber, which was from a Shetland named Elmer. Elmer, you make a good fiber. I appreciate it.
Tuesday night was the Marble Valley Knitting Guild meeting. Everyone was supposed to have worked on their toe-up socks and do the afterthought heel that night, but of course I hadn't even tried to start mine. I brought the yarn and needles though, and the guild president was super-nice and sat on the floor and helped me with the directions.
So guys, this is really important and exciting and probably why I made this blog: socks. And I'm really making one. Granted, all I'm doing right now is knitting around the foot, but it's still a sock. I made a toe. Seriously.

I've smartened up since the last time I tried to make socks and have added a lifeline just in case. You can never be too careful.
The best part about this for me is that this is the yarn I bought over two years ago when I first wanted to make socks. It looked like this before I ripped it all out. For a while I thought about making a charity hat with the yarn just to get it out of my stash, but it's really nice that it's finally being used for its intended purpose. I know socks aren't all that special, but I feel like I hit the crafting lottery this week.
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